Heavenly Artworks
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The Return of the Prodigal Son (detail -1) c. 1669
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem 1630
Supper at Emmaus 1648
The Sacrifice of Abraham 1635
Adoration of the Shepherds 2
The Incredulity of St Thomas 1634
Christ On The Cross
The Ascension Of Christ
The Dream of St Joseph 1650-55
Evangelist Matthew and the Angel 1661
Descent from the Cross 1634
A Soul Brought to Heaven 1878
La Vierge au Lys (The Virgin of the Lilies)
Song of the Angels
The Light of the World 1851-53
Last Judgment (1) 1537-41
Creation of Adam Hands only
Creation of Adam 1510
St George and the Dragon
Saint Michael Trampling the Dragon 1518
Saint Michael And The Dragon
The Madonna Of The Chair
The Transfiguration
Madonna & Child (Madonna del Granduca) 1505
Disputation of the Holy Sacrament (La Disputa)
The Return of the Prodigal Son c. 1669
Christ In The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee
The Marriage Feast at Cana, c.1562
The Tower of Babel 1563
Virgin of the Rocks 1483-86
Annunciation (Annunciazione)
The Virgin and Child with St Anne c. 1510
The Last Supper (2) 1498
Last Supper (copy) 16th century
The Last Supper 1498
The Last Supper 1592-94
St Joseph with the Infant Jesus c. 1635
St Matthew and the Angel 1635-40
Conversion of St. Paul
Calling of St. Matthew (Vocazione di san Matteo)
Doubting Thomas
Angel In Love Painting
Supper at Emmaus 1601-02
Heavenly artwork , in simple words, refer to art that depicts heavenly imagery. There are multiple artworks that revolve around the realm of heaven in the literally way. This painting may include drawings and elements like staircase to heaven or even the gates of heaven. This kind of artwork holds immense spiritual significance and a wide array of people believe in this and love to purchase such heart. Such kind of heart is pleasant to the soul and gives off good and positive energy. If you wish to fill your space with such energy too then this is the art for you.